Feline and Canine TB Testing
The interferon gamma test is intended to assist in the diagnosis of suspected feline TB cases. The interferon gamma test can be useful in categorising cats with suggestive lesions appropriately. This in turn can inform decisions as to whether treatment is appropriate and whether it is necessary to report the case to APHA (Suspected Bovine TB is a notifiable disease in all mammals). There is also some evidence that the test can be used to monitor treatment, with responses falling in cats in remission.

Sample Guidelines
Our tests are performed every Thursday.
A minimum of 3ml of heparinised blood should be collected on the Tuesday (<48 hours) before the test is run and sent to the laboratory by an overnight service. Samples must not be chilled as this will interfere with cell viability and test performance.
Click here for feline and canine submission forms to be sent in with your sample.