Animal Health and Welfare Pathway

The Animal Health and Welfare Pathway has been set up to support farmers to transition to higher welfare practices, improve biosecurity, tackle antimicrobial resistance and reduce Greenhouse gas emissions by tackling disease and improving productivity.

The difference in profitability between a well run sheep farm and one with health issues is massive and chronic sub-clinical diseases can often be ignored by farmer and professionals alike. Intervention on BVD and worm control can substantially improve farm health, welfare and profitability.


The Pathway Review is intended for farmers with more than 10 cattle, 20 sheep or 50 pigs and includes an annual funded visit from a vet of the farmer’s choosing. This visit includes carrying out diagnostic testing, reviewing biosecurity and use of medicines, and providing bespoke advice in writing.

The Review is currently for England only, however, Scotland has recently launched similar funding in support of farms.


Visit the information page on our website for more details and FAQs