Respiratory PCR samples should be received at Biobest within 24 hours of collection so check out the table below to see which dates to avoid when sending your samples over Christmas.

UPDATE 10Oct24:
Our rabies laboratory routine maintenance and equipment upgrade is now complete and we have resumed testing. We will process results as quickly as we can, please contact [email protected] with any queries.
UPDATE 07Oct24:
Our rabies laboratory routine maintenance and equipment upgrade is nearing completion. We expect to start reporting results from Monday 14th October 2024 all being well. Please contact [email protected] for further information.
UPDATE 27Sep24:
We are nearing the end of our current maintenance and equipment upgrade and we are currently on track to resume testing in the week commencing 7th October 2024 all being well.
Samples received during this time will be tested in order of receipt date and results are expected to be reported within 2 weeks of reopening.
Express samples will be tested first with results within 2-3 working days. This test is available to any customers who require it for an additional fee.
Please email [email protected] for further information
Important Information – Rabies Testing Unit Routine Maintenance
There will be routine maintenance performed in our rabies laboratory starting in August 2024. This is required to ensure that safety critical equipment within the facility is operating to the highest possible standards.
This maintenance will take place with a timetable as follows:
No rabies testing (including express) will be available during the maintenance period. We will ensure the works are completed as quickly as possible to minimise the downtime and service disruptions to our customers. During the shutdown we will post updates on our website & social media channels to confirm exact re-start dates.
As with previous shutdowns we will clear the testing backlog as quickly as possible to return to normal published timescales. Once the facility returns to normal operations our express service will be available for any urgent samples and all other samples will be processed in order of receipt date.
Please continue to send samples for testing, we will prepare and store them appropriately.
If you are aware of any clients that may require certificates before the end of August/September, we would encourage you to send in samples as soon as possible to avoid any disappointment.
All other areas of our business will operate as normal during this period. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
From next week (26Feb24) we will be changing our Mastitis PCR testing schedule to weekly, with tests being set up on Thursdays.
Mastitis is one of the most significant health and welfare problems in UK dairy herds and our mastitis diagnostic test, using quantitative real time PCR to identify the bacteria involved, is quicker and more accurate than other bacteriology tests available.
Please ensure samples arrive the day before the test is scheduled and those tested should have results on the same or next day.
Contact us on [email protected] for any queries.
We had a wonderful time at the Ada Lovelace Day event at Edinburgh Technopole. Over 400 school children participated in workshops held at 8 Pioneer Group locations around the UK. The workshops aimed to inspire the next generation of women science and to amplify women’s presence in STEM, following the legacy of Ada Lovelace.
Well done to our Biobest Team, Ami, Kirsty, Katie and Suzanne, on a hugely successful workshop! The students learnt about different types of cells, both inside the body and the ones we use in our laboratories, and were able to look at different cell types down microscopes. They could then make up their own cell media and loved seeing how the colour changed as different reagents were added.
We hope everyone had as much fun as we did and we can’t wait for next year!
The Animal Health and Welfare Pathway has been set up to support farmers to transition to higher welfare practices, improve biosecurity, tackle antimicrobial resistance and reduce Greenhouse gas emissions by tackling disease and improving productivity.
The difference in profitability between a well run sheep farm and one with health issues is massive and chronic sub-clinical diseases can often be ignored by farmer and professionals alike. Intervention on BVD and worm control can substantially improve farm health, welfare and profitability.
The Pathway Review is intended for farmers with more than 10 cattle, 20 sheep or 50 pigs and includes an annual funded visit from a vet of the farmer’s choosing. This visit includes carrying out diagnostic testing, reviewing biosecurity and use of medicines, and providing bespoke advice in writing.
The Review is currently for England only, however, Scotland has recently launched similar funding in support of farms.
Visit the information page on our website for more details and FAQs
Our rabies laboratory is now open and testing has resumed today. Samples which have arrived during our shutdown will be tested first followed by any new samples we receive.
Our rabies express service is also available as normal.
Please contact us at [email protected] for any
Important Information – Rabies Testing Unit Temporary Shutdown – Safety Cabinet Installation
We are temporarily shutting down our high containment rabies testing laboratory in order to install
replacement Safety Cabinets. This shutdown is required to ensure our Rabies Testing Unit equipment is operating to the highest standard possible.
All other areas of our business will operate as normal during this period.
The work will start later this month, with a timetable as follows:
19 Apr 23 (Wed) Last tests will be set up.
21 Apr 23 (Fri) Tests from 19 Apr 23 will be read and reported.
Normal testing resumes week beginning 08 May 23 (Exact date subject to engineer service sign off).
This means that no rabies testing will be available for a period of approximately 10 working days. We will ensure the works are completed as quickly as possible to minimise the downtime and service disruptions to our customers. During the shutdown we will post updates on our social media channels to confirm exact re-start dates.
As with previous shutdowns we will clear the testing backlog as quickly as possible to return to normal published timescales. Once the facility returns to normal operations our express service will be available for any urgent samples and all other samples will be processed in order of receipt.
Express Testing will not be available during the shutdown as the unit is closed and no tests can be set up.
If you may require certificates before 21 April 23 we would encourage you to send in samples as soon as possible in order to avoid any disappointment.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information regarding the shutdown.