We want bird owners to know we have a new, more efficient means of paying for avian testing.
When samples arrive with us, we will send an email to the address provided on the submission form containing a secure payment link for the customer to make a card payment. This method eliminates the risk of financial loss should your sample be lost in the post and ensures that correct amount is paid every time.

To use this method, simply tick the ‘Card Payment E-Mail Link’ option on the Avian Submission Form (Owners) and you will receive an e-mail link on the day your sample arrives. Both the customer and BIobest get a notification when payment is received.
We are still able to receive payment by cash and cheque, however it essential to customers check the prices page of our website to ensure they send the correct amount – no change will be given in case of overpayment and no testing will proceed in case of underpayment.